Gabbing Girl Time
Episode 132
Season 1
Welcome to a new year of Gabbing Girl Time. Today’s show is super exciting. We have The Premiere Villainess of Drag Survivor Miss REPLIKA
Queen. We talk with Harrison about how they got started in drag. What it was like competing in Drag Survivor and what they would have done differently or what they would have done the same. The gals talk about the upcoming Sissi6 and the reviews Colin Butte’ ,Replika Queen from the Yes it or Bless it bitches. I can’t wait for the upcoming show in Nashville TN Get your tickets for the Sissi 6 show come cheer for Knoxville TN Colin Butte’ and Replika Queen and of Course Nashville’s Mx Mona. We had such a great time recording this episode and we hope you have a wonderful time listening. We Love and appreciate you. Please give us a like and a follow where you are listening to us. Follow us on the socials @Brattievonbeaverhausen @Bruisedtonsils @gabbinggailtime