The Pollsters

The Mueller Report
Trump Voters Who Heard Mueller Decline To Clear Trump Still Think His Report Clears Trump (HuffPost/YouGov)
Made-up news
Many Americans Say Made-Up News Is a Critical Problem That Needs To Be Fixed (Pew Research)
Millennial, Gen Z, and Gen X voters
Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X outvoted older generations in 2018 midterms (Pew Research)
America’s moral values
Americans Say U.S. Moral Values Not Good and Getting Worse (Gallup)
The future of abortion
A majority of Americans think abortion will still be legal in 30 years, but with some restrictions (Pew Research)
Democrats and “women’s issues”
A growing number of Democratic voters are prioritizing gender-related issues (Morning Consult via Vox)
The census and citizenship
The Fate of Pluralism in a Divided Nation (PRRI)
Trump Approval
President Trump Job Approval (RealClear Politics)
Sen. Michael Bennet’s qualification for Democratic debates
Steve Kornacki's tweet
Patrick Ruffini's tweet
Summer Vacation
More Americans are skipping summer vacations this year
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Show Notes

The Mueller Report

Trump Voters Who Heard Mueller Decline To Clear Trump Still Think His Report Clears Trump (HuffPost/YouGov)

Made-up news

Many Americans Say Made-Up News Is a Critical Problem That Needs To Be Fixed (Pew Research)

Millennial, Gen Z, and Gen X voters

Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X outvoted older generations in 2018 midterms (Pew Research)

America’s moral values

Americans Say U.S. Moral Values Not Good and Getting Worse (Gallup)

The future of abortion

A majority of Americans think abortion will still be legal in 30 years, but with some restrictions (Pew Research)

Democrats and “women’s issues”

A growing number of Democratic voters are prioritizing gender-related issues (Morning Consult via Vox)

The census and citizenship

The Fate of Pluralism in a Divided Nation (PRRI)

Trump Approval

President Trump Job Approval (RealClear Politics)

Sen. Michael Bennet’s qualification for Democratic debates

Steve Kornacki's tweet

Patrick Ruffini's tweet

Summer Vacation

More Americans are skipping summer vacations this year

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What is The Pollsters?

Politics. Policy. Polling. Pop Culture.

Explore what America's thinking with two of the country's leading pollsters-the bipartisan team of Democrat Margie Omero and Republican Kristen Soltis Anderson. In this weekly podcast we take a fresh, friendly look at the numbers driving the week's biggest stories in news, politics, tech, entertainment and pop culture. Along with the occasional interview with pollsters, journalists, and other industry leaders, we'll lift the hood on the numbers revealing the hidden secrets of the public's mind.