Booray for Bollywood with Shrishma Naik

The B4B crew feast their eyes on this modern slice of anthologized Bollywood craziness. These four strange tales offer glimpses into the worlds of organized crime and deep-fried wieners, the family perils of a flimsy electrical grid, the labyrinthine office politics of cake-cutting, and the mixed messages that eyes and hands can sometimes send. Also, a bit of a warning: there is a very good chance you will never look at a pressure cooker the same way again. Featuring Shrishma Naik, Katherine Sherlock, and Justin Zeppa.

Show Notes

The B4B crew feast their eyes on this modern slice of anthologized Bollywood craziness. These four strange tales offer glimpses into the worlds of organized crime and deep-fried wieners, the family perils of a flimsy electrical grid, the labyrinthine office politics of cake-cutting, and the mixed messages that eyes and hands can sometimes send. Also, a bit of a warning: there is a very good chance you will never look at a pressure cooker the same way again.  Featuring Shrishma Naik, Katherine Sherlock, and Justin Zeppa.

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What is Booray for Bollywood with Shrishma Naik?

Shrishma Naik guides a rotating panel of curious guests through the history, dances, and exquisitely-long run times of Bollywood's finest offerings. Come... fall in love with Booray for Bollywood.