The Fiscal Feminist

How do you know when it’s time for divorce? Kate Anthony knows firsthand how hard it can be to make that decision, so she’s helping countless women answer the age-old question: “Should I stay or should I go?” In this episode, Kimberlee talks with Kate about the reasons why women may struggle to end a marriage, and Kate shares her top tips for deciding when it’s time to leave. They also discuss some common signs of abuse, break down how you can have the divorce conversation and make it stick, and much more. If you’re struggling in your marriage, know that there are resources available to you!

Episode Recap:
  • Today we’re talking with Kate Anthony, creator of the Divorce Survival Guide (1:09)
  • What did you learn from your own divorce? (3:29)
  • Why do so many women struggle to leave a marriage? (8:45)
  • Marriage benefits men and exhausts women (14:48)
  • What advice do you have for women who are preparing for divorce? (19:34)
  • What does gaslighting actually look like? (23:22)
  • Can you share some common trends you’ve noticed around infidelity? (27:06)
  • How can women have the divorce conversation and make it stick? (39:21)
  • Do money concerns often hold women back from divorce? (43:17)
  • Where to learn more from Kate (48:26)


Creators & Guests

Kimberlee Davis
Kimberlee Davis is founder of the Fiscal Feminist and a Partner and Managing Director in The Bahnsen Group, a wealth management practice with offices in Newport Beach, California and New York City. She is also a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.
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What is The Fiscal Feminist?

Kimberlee Davis is your host of The Fiscal Feminist, a show about women and our relationship with money and finances. Kimberlee Davis is Managing Director and Partner at The Bahnsen Group, a private wealth management firm. She specializes in personal wealth advising and oversees financial and retirement planning solutions for high net worth individuals and multi-generational families. Her proficiency also includes helping individuals transition to financial independence after life altering events such as death or divorce.