meeting your soul

5 tips on how to establish new habits that stick!

1. Keep is minimal: only change one thing at a time! Don't try to revamp your entire life at one. Tackle one change at a time and make it seamless to resist the initial gravitationally pull to do the usual. 

2. Keep it simple + visible: Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity. It is not always obvious when and where to take action -- so make that new habit obvious + within your visual field as constant reminder. 

3. Track your habits: Habit tracking keeps us real and honest. Many of us think that we’re performing better than we are when trying to establish a new habit, and we often want to take shortcuts. Precise tracking and measurements help us overcome this, as they provide us with straightforward evidence of how we’re really doing.

4. Return to your why + mindset of believing that it's possible when things get challenging! Do you believe that you're able to accomplish whatever habit you're trying to establish?

5. Have an accountability partner! A hype woman or man is key in celebrating your successes and a reminder that you're doing great even when you run in obstacles. 

Want to create a new habit, but need support in establishing it with a cheerleader by your side? I got you, reach out to discuss more -- or @ferrahchino <3

What is meeting your soul?

This podcast was designed to empower others to dive into their self-discovery journey by sharing my struggles and triumphs as I have perused a deeper connection to my own heart. I’ll share tips and tools for embodying love, authenticity and soulful confidence. My goal to create a community that openly discusses wellness in a holistic sense. Let’s work together to find harmony within our mind, body and spirit through ancient texts, somatic practices and positive psychology techniques.

I’m so happy you’re here – I love you already!

I would love to hear about your story, feel free to reach out on my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also connect with me directly on Instagram @ferrahchino.