Ask Rezzz

This is a bit of a fun one because it honestly doesn’t have too much to do with freelancing unless you are thinking about podcasting.

But for my money, podcasting is what has allowed me to grow my business in so many different ways, I wanted to share this with you today in hopes you'll see how easy it is to get yourself going.

Show Notes

In this episode I'll share with you the gear, software and host and give you my 2¢ on each of them and why I chose them.

For my mic - Rode Podcaster
For recording - Audacity and Zencastr
For hosting -

The mic, Zencastr, and Transistor do come with a price. Albeit not too much, but I just wanted to mention that you will need with the gear I talk about, some level of initial investment. 

As you'll hear in the show, I've got a ton of value and return on that investment that I'm not about to turn back now.

What is Ask Rezzz?

You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.