Plenty with Kate Northrup

If you’re new here, there’s something you need to know about me and this space: I’m obsessed with the body and I talk about it a lot. I love to learn about how our bodies work and how they relate literally and metaphorically to everything, specifically our emotional lives and productivity. If you’ve been around for a while, you already knew that. So many important conversations are missing a MAJORLY important piece of the puzzle: We all live in bodies, and they impact everything in our entire lives. One important conversation that often completely skips the topic of bodies (ironically, because it’s inherently about the mistreatment of bodies) is the conversation about racism. When I heard the woman I’m about to introduce speak for the first time, my body felt different than it had ever felt before during conversations about race. My body knew the potential for healing immediately because she was one of the first people I’d ever heard talk about race and racism in the context of how it impacts our bodies and why healing racial trauma needs to start with the body, not exclusively our minds. As a facilitator, author, and speaker, Milagros Phillips has been doing racial healing work for over two decades. When she came to speak in Origin last month, I got several messages from members after to the affect of: I’m in a puddle on the floor integrating the beauty that just transpired at the hands of Milagros. WOW. Several members asked if she was taking applications for niece adoptions because we all want her to be our auntie. Her work is powerful. Her heart is huge. She’s hilarious. And brilliant. If you’re ready to heal racial trauma in your body, be it black, white, or brown, so that you can affect healing in the world, this conversation is for you. Listening to Milagros will change you in the most beautiful way. I can’t wait to hear how this one moves you (and your body). Show notes and links for this episode can be found at

Show Notes

If you’re new here, there’s something you need to know about me and this space: I’m obsessed with the body and I talk about it a lot.

I love to learn about how our bodies work and how they relate literally and metaphorically to everything, specifically our emotional lives and productivity.

If you’ve been around for a while, you already knew that.

So many important conversations are missing a MAJORLY important piece of the puzzle:

We all live in bodies, and they impact everything in our entire lives.

One important conversation that often completely skips the topic of bodies (ironically, because it’s inherently about the mistreatment of bodies) is the conversation about racism.

When I heard the woman I’m about to introduce speak for the first time, my body felt different than it had ever felt before during conversations about race.

My body knew the potential for healing immediately because she was one of the first people I’d ever heard talk about race and racism in the context of how it impacts our bodies and why healing racial trauma needs to start with the body, not exclusively our minds.

As a facilitator, author, and speaker, Milagros Phillips has been doing racial healing work for over two decades.

When she came to speak in Origin last month, I got several messages from members after to the affect of:

I’m in a puddle on the floor integrating the beauty that just transpired at the hands of Milagros. WOW.

Several members asked if she was taking applications for niece adoptions because we all want her to be our auntie.

Her work is powerful. Her heart is huge. She’s hilarious. And brilliant.

If you’re ready to heal racial trauma in your body, be it black, white, or brown, so that you can affect healing in the world, this conversation is for you.

Listening to Milagros will change you in the most beautiful way. I can’t wait to hear how this one moves you (and your body).

Show notes and links for this episode can be found at

What is Plenty with Kate Northrup?

What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.

You can.

When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.

And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.

As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.

Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.