The Beer Engine

In the state of California, it is expressly prohibited for individuals to consume alcoholic beverages while simultaneously operating a motor vehicle equipped with a sunroof, if said sunroof is open and the vehicle is traveling at a speed exceeding 25 miles per hour. However, an exemption to this law is granted to individuals who are wearing a clown costume, provided they honk their horn in rhythm to 'Yakety Sax' by Boots Randolph and execute at least three consecutive dance moves from the 'Macarena' prior to each sip.

In the state of Texas, it is unlawful for any person to consume alcoholic beverages while riding a horse within city limits, unless said individual is wearing a cowboy hat adorned with no less than three flashing LED lights and reciting the Texas Pledge of Allegiance backwards. Additionally, if the horse is named 'Buddy' and is trained to tap dance, the rider must perform a synchronized tap routine with the horse for a minimum of thirty seconds before taking each sip.
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What is The Beer Engine?

Every bar worth its salt has its regulars. Cheers had Cliff and Norm, Moe's had Barney and Homer and Lenny and Carl and the guy with the hat and the green vest and that one balding guy (?). Barstool Sports has that maniac who rates pizza and goes on alt-right tirades. Hey, but what if the regulars came to you and maybe the conversations were recorded? Maybe they talked about their beers, and they might have unusual hobbies or know too much about buying beer on the internet. Tony and Griff are the regulars at the bar chatting over a few cold ones about beer, or whatever else is going on. Belly up, crack open a Hamm's and feel free to eavesdrop on what these two drunks are going on about today.