Parenting in the Trenches with Karen Peters

Learn why coregulation is so powerful, some of the surprising misconceptions about how it works, and ways you can support your child more effectively through those intense emotions that feel like they'll never pass safely.

Show Notes

Dear parents,

You've probably heard me talk about coregulation before - that's because it was a game changer for me as a mom of a regularly dysregulated kiddo and there was no way I was going to keep that gold a secret! In today's episode, I surprise my guest Lisa Dion, with a story about the time I showed up at one of her conferences on the heels of taking my daughter to the hospital. Tune in to hear the details and to dive deep with us into those pits us parents tend to panic in - the ones that feel so dark and so deep, that we're scared - scared of what these overload episodes mean for our kids and for us. If you've been there, you get it, and this episode is for you.

This will be a safe space to learn about how to use the emotional data from our kids and from within us, to mirror and model a shift back to connection and to safety. The goal isn't to be calm or not to feel, it's to be safe while the feelings all happen. That goes for you too, parents!

If you feel overwhelmed and lost, I've been there. And when Lisa held a light at the top of the pit for me, I was led down a much better path - one I could actually translate into real life and would take my authentic emotional experience into account. I took 10 of those coregulation strategies and put them in an online webinar so that other parents could grab the Coles notes and start feeling a sense of hope right away. Throughout this series and until the end of 2021, you can purchase this at a discount here with this code: COREG2021. I sincerely hope it brings you some of the tools you've been hungry for.

To read more about Lisa's resources for parents, check her stuff out HERE. And if you're someone in a professional position supporting kids, check out her Synergetic Play Therapy site and related resources!

Bringing our full connected, authentic selves to this conversation,

What is Parenting in the Trenches with Karen Peters?

Hey weary parent. Parenting is a tough gig, but we've got your back. Join child and family therapist, and mom-in-the-trenches, Karen Peters and learn about skills to support you in supporting your kids, while laughing and getting real about the crazy sticky messiness of life with kiddo's.