Fintech Cappuccino

Most of us have ‘played’ with ChatGPT, prompting it on a wide range of subjects concerning fintech, finance, tech and even our personal lives. But none of us have actually engaged with ChatGPT as a full-time partner on a single project. Angelique Schouten, our guest in this episode has. She wrote the book ‘Rising AI, Tech Demystified’ with ChatGPT, not in months, but in one long and intense week. We talk to her about the process, how it was to treat ChatGPT as a real-life co-author. She dives into the lessons learned. How to go from copy writing  to prompt writing. Has it changed her mind on the power of AI. Can one combine human creativity and AI? And, would she ever do it again?

What is Fintech Cappuccino?

Conny Dorrestijn and Brian van Wachem are the hosts of Fintech Cappuccino. A podcast show on fintech and more with guests from all over the world.