The Ghost Turd Stories Podcast

Joey Diaz served in the Army National Guard for six years and ended his career as an E5 or Sergeant. He fulfilled roles as an 83 Bravo heavy and light-wheeled mechanic, cross-trained as a truck mechanic, provided convoy security in Iraq, and was on a wrecker recovery team among other duties.

His battalion deployed to Ramadi, Iraq in the early 2000s and provided security for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Ghost Turd Stories donates fifty percent of its profits from the sale of our merchandise line and our content subscriptions to carefully selected families of veterans and first responders who have taken their own life. The other fifty percent is used to grow the company to bring greater awareness of the struggle many veterans and first responders have relating to mental health challenges and suicide ideation.

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Creators & Guests

Troy Gent
Troy Gent is the Host of The Ghost Turd Stories Podcast. He served a total of eight years as an infantryman in the US Marine Corps.
Rebecca Gent
Rebecca is the editor and publisher of The Ghost Turd Stories Podcast.

What is The Ghost Turd Stories Podcast?

The Ghost Turd Stories Podcast was born out of a place of grief. Having lost my best friend from the Marine Corps in the early hours of 2023, I realized that this feeling was all too familiar. I wanted to do something, not only for the loss I felt, but for the loss I knew many families were enduring day to day.

We believe that a major way to relieve the stressors of life is to talk, laugh, cry, and share our experiences without fear of offense. We hope to attract veterans and first responders as well as anyone who is interested in knowing more about what it’s like to be in our shoes while we wear or wore those shoes.