Staiano Plastic Surgery

In this episode I will talk about:
- Why are you not offering combination procedures at the moment?
- Do I need to send a photo before booking my S&T procedure online?
- Do you offer areolar reduction under general anaesthetic?
- Should I lose weight before an areolar reduction?
- Do you have any more before and after photos other than those on your website?
- Do breasts grow after breast reduction?
- Why is my scar not suitable to excision? [Photo]
- How does Mr Staiano perform a neoumbilicoplasty procedure?
- Does Mr Staiano treat tubular breast syndrome?
- I have gained 2 stone in the last 5 months.... I am now on the path to loosing it. How will this now affect my thigh lift results in particular? Am I going to have stretched skin and need another thigh lift?
- What is over-granulation?
…and anything else that crops up! #ASKJJ

What is Staiano Plastic Surgery?

I am a Plastic Surgeon and I own a Clinic where we specialise in Breast and Body Contouring. I do a Q&A every Tuesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.