Impact 3x

En el episodio de hoy hablamos con:

- Edu Riera, fundador de Zrive, que, después de muchos años en Investment banking y Hedge Funds, decidió emprender, con un objetivo claro: ayudar a jóvenes a encontrar mejores oportunidades laborales mediante orientación laboral, conocmientos prácticos y network. 

Un modelo de negocio de impacto, que intenta que el éxito profesional dependa excusivamente de tu talento y tu esfuerzo. 

- Con ya más de 500 estudiantes habiendo pasado por Zrive, Edu nos cuenta su visión sobre:
-- Los retos de la eduación superior pública en un mundo donde cada día hay más eduación privada
-- Además de los retos específicos de Zrive para maximizar el impacto de una forma rentable. Con una conclusión muy clara: impacto y rentabilidad no van siempre de la mano

Creators & Guests

Alex Dilme
Marc Antoni Macia

What is Impact 3x?

This is Impact 3X, home of the impact society.

Start-ups that reach 1Bn$ valuations are a very rare phenomenon. That's why people call them unicorns. And because everybody wants to run a company that reaches a sky-high valuation or massive profits, there are many publications that focus on helping you get there. Well… we are not one of those.

At 3X, we believe that what's truly unique are organizations that focus on optimizing, not one but, three dimensions in parallel: planet, people and profits.

Three times the impact of regular unicorns. Something even rarer. And, what’s the only horse-like beast that’s more unique than a unicorn? The Pegasus. Son to the God of the sea, and known as an immortal horse who’s got wings and helped the Greek gods achieve nearly impossible feats. It felt like the perfect inspiration to our vision.

Impact 3X wants to enable you to achieve what was once thought to be undoable. To win and to care, or rather to win because you care. This publication is aimed at those who have the imagination and audacity to change the game.

We are here to inform, connect and inspire some of our brightest citizens and business leaders so that they can scale companies and work on projects that benefit from solving society’s biggest problems.