Rebeccamendations - Business, Love & Science.

The most important question to ask yourself, are you operating from a place of fear or love?

In this episode I have the honour of chatting to my incredibly intelligent and Charismatic friend James Trenerry. It is an incredibly vulnerable episode about business failures/wins, finding your personal purpose again and again and how amongst entrepreneurship, it can feel almost impossible to succeed in romantic relationships and Is this actually a common personality trait or pattern amongst us?

Show Notes

The most important question to ask yourself, are you operating from a place of fear or love?

In this episode I have the honour of chatting to my incredibly intelligent and Charismatic friend James Trenerry. It is an incredibly vulnerable episode about business failures, personal purpose and how amongst entrepreneurship,  it can feel almost impossible to succeed in romantic relationships and Is this actually a common personality trait or pattern amongst us?

The episode really opens the door to some difficult moments of self reflection and discovery. It is one of my personal favourite topics in regards to the complexity of love, human behaviour and personal development. It is incredibly common for driven, passionate individuals, who seem to hold space for emotional intelligence to still struggle in building stable long term relationships. James and I dive into why this may be, sharing from his own personal experience. How interesting, that as leaders we put so much time and energy into harnessing the relationships in our team, our mentors and friendship circles and how we have such deep understanding of how to inspire, motivate and empower those around us, yet I have to question, why do we still struggle to place those beliefs in our personal relationships? 

We question self worth, busy-ness culture and at the end of the day, what is really or love? 

James believes that living through passion and purpose is the path to a healthier happier life.

A multi-award winning entrepreneur, charity ambassador, and community builder, James advocates for finding your vocation. He is the classic corporate warrior turned serial fun-trepreneur.

If you asked him what he does, he’d say “daydream of a better tomorrow for himself and those around him. Do what you can to make a difference, and give back where you can”

James operated within the fitness industry for the last decade, playing an integral role in building an incredibly successful Australian Reformer Pilates franchise, along with a few other very successful businesses along the way.

Landing now, founder of @Buildabetterplatfrm - The home of Australia's first Run + Weights and strength based reformer group workouts!

What is Rebeccamendations - Business, Love & Science. ?

Rebecca Veksler, host of this podcast is the founder of SoL Cups and has created 'Business, Love and Science'. A podcast which exists as a platform to dive into all the things she is deeply passionate about outside of sustainability… business, love, human behaviour, analytical psychology and everything to do with health on all fronts including neuroscience and mental health.

"I’m so honoured and grateful for the incredible network I’ve built over the last decade as I've built my company and experienced so much personal growth. Each episode I will personally interview some of the most important people in my life. From personal friendships, mentors, entrepreneurs and generally humans that have impacted my world with their inspiring stories support and intellect."

Everyone interviewed has achieved greatness, overcome adversity, accomplished unimaginable success and have an incredible story to tell.

Stay tuned for new episodes every Wednesday!