Good News Church CF

Good News Church CF Trailer Bonus Episode 11 Season 1

The Gospel of Luke: Chapter 9 03.19.23

The Gospel of Luke: Chapter 9 03.19.23The Gospel of Luke: Chapter 9 03.19.23

When we started Good News Church, we had something very distinctive in mind.  Our thinking was that Leesburg didn’t need another traditional church.  There were plenty of great traditional churches in this area doing wonderful things.  We felt that what was needed was a different kind of church.

– A church that would reach a wider spectrum of people, especially the unchurched.
– A church that is contemporary, relevant, open-armed and casual.
– A church where no one is perfect, but everyone is seeking, growing and desiring to serve and honor God.
– A church that proclaims the Good News in plain language and helps people to become followers of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission at Good News Church is to Love God, Love each other, and Love people who don’t know God yet.

That’s why we’re here and that’s what we do.  If that sounds like your kind of church, then come join us and be part of what God is doing at, with and through Good News Church

Creators & Guests

Pastor John Blake

What is Good News Church CF?

We exist to honor and glorify God, love and equip each other, and overflow with the love of Christ to our community and those around us.
We are intentional with our message and in all we do. From the songs sung, to the Word preached, to the lessons in Kids Club, we work to keep the Gospel at the center of everything. We meet every Sunday at 10 am, and we'd love to see you there.