Evangelism In A Post-COVID World

COVID-19 has not only changed what we might say to people who haven't heard the Gospel, but how we go about saying it. Today's pulpit happens to be a screen.

Show Notes

The screens we carry around in our pocket and those that perch on the desk at home are now vital territory for the Gospel.

As we saw in our first episode, the lens has become a key way to communicate the Gospel in a COVID-shaped world. So how do we speak in front of a camera? How do we avoid that resting grumpy face?

Join City Bible Forum evangelist Sam Chan as he takes us through 8 tips on how to communicate the Gospel effectively on camera.

What is Evangelism In A Post-COVID World?

What effect will the COVID-19 Pandemic have on evangelism? The world is still bracing itself for fresh outbreaks, but it pays for Christians to have a glance over the horizon and see what this crisis is teaching us about the spread of the Gospel.

City Bible Forum evangelist and author Sam Chan lays out a 'playbook' which considers the pieces which will enable you to share Jesus in a post-COVID world because things aren't going back to the way they were.

COVID-19 has left us scrambling as we’ve pivoted to online church, online small groups and online one to ones but what does post-COVID life look like? How will COVID affected our message, our posture and our practice?

Drawn from an excellent series of City Bible Forum vidoes, this episode of Evangelism In A Post-COVID World aims to help you prepare yourself for the conversations to come.