Windows on dementia

Dementia Mate Wareware Leadership and Advisory Group Co-Chairs Dr Makarena Dudley and Teresa Wall join Alzheimers NZ Chief Executive Catherine Hall to discuss the group’s important role in the Dementia Mate Wareware Governance Ecosystem.  

The group was established in 2022 to provide strategic advice to guide government on how Aotearoa New Zealand should move forward to achieve the vision of the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan.

Are you keen to be involved in this important kaupapa? Join the Dementia Mate Wareware Network today.

This podcast was recorded on 6 March 2024.

What is Windows on dementia?

People living with dementia are citizens whose lives matter. They have the same rights, needs and desires as everyone else, but are ignored far too often. It’s time their voices were heard. So join us and let's talk dementia.