Hey, Man - The Advice Podcast for Men

We're back! Our guest this week is Zach Iscol. Zach is a combat veteran ,a grand marshall of the 2019 Veteran's Day parade and the founder of several companies, including Hirepurpose, Task & Purpose and Headstrong - a nonprofit dedicated to providing veterans with treatment for PTSD. Zach joins us to help give advice to a man who is struggling to take responsibility after screwing up at work.

Show Notes

We're back! Our guest this week is Zach Iscol. Zach is a combat veteran ,a grand marshall of the 2019 Veteran's Day parade and the founder of several companies, including Hirepurpose, Task & Purpose and Headstrong - a nonprofit dedicated to providing veterans with treatment for PTSD. Zach joins us to help give advice to a man who is struggling to take responsibility after screwing up at work.

Task & Purpose

Hey Man, 
I’m 24 years old and a little over a year ago, I got an office job after working at restaurants after college. The culture is very bro-ey (which is fine, I can fit in) and there’s a lot of good-natured teasing. But last month something happened and it’s making me want to leave this job. A few weeks ago, I completely slept through my alarm clock. I woke up to tons of texts from my office and panicked - I lied and said my mom had an emergency and I was helping her with it. I ended up calling out that day, came in the next day and seemingly everything was fine. Then, at our office Christmas party, management was handing out awards for the year. I expected to get one because I worked my ass off and was really disappointed when I was passed over. Then they gave out joke awards and I got “Most Likely to Skip Work.” People were laughing and someone even said, “How’s your mom?” as if they knew I was lying. I was completely mortified. I had even brought my girlfriend and she could tell I was pissed. I don’t know what to do. I feel so betrayed by these guys and embarrassed, I just want to look for a new job. This is not the first time they’ve done something that I felt crossed a line, but it feels like the last straw. What do you think? Should I stay or should I go?

Humiliated on Houston

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What is Hey, Man - The Advice Podcast for Men?

The weekly advice podcast for men with therapist Avi Klein and novelist Sam Graham-Felsen. Each week, we answer your questions with the help of a rotating cast of guests.