Product Innovation Series with Aram Melkoumov

Miguel Jette, Head of AI R&D at dropped by our Product Innovation show to talk about the current and future developments in AI and Voice Recognition systems. He talks about models like Deep Learning, AI data collection, and Roadmaps for building products at Rev.

Show Notes

Conversation highlights:

- Future of AI in the next 10 years (multilingual voice recognition systems)
- How deep learning works at companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple
- How Miguel builds product roadmaps from talking to internal customers at Rev
- Buying AI data to build products from companies like Appen and Define.AI

About Miguel

Miguel is the Head of AI R&D at, an online marketplace that provides transcription engines to companies. Recently, Miguel’s teams’ paper titled, “Curriculum Optimization for Low-Resource Speech Recognition”  got accepted to ICASSP 2022. He is also the Co-Founder, Head of Speech Recognition and Machine Learning at

What is Product Innovation Series with Aram Melkoumov?

Product Innovation Series is an in-depth interview series featuring product & innovation leaders from small startups all the way to Fortune 500 behemoths. Our guests share their battle-tested perspective on what prevents teams from shipping a great product.
The show is hosted by Aram Melkoumov, the CEO of Crowdlinker.