Ms. InterPReted

A newly minted Vice President at Fletcher Marketing PR with her recent promotion at the firm, Sarah Merrell combines an achievement-driven career in public relations with her newfound (and literal) fame as a social media influencer in the motorcycling enthusiast space.

Her vision of helping bring more women into motorcycling powers the torque behind her own meteoric rise in social media, with a perfect marriage of interweaving professional focus with a personal passion (not to mention literal marriage to her husband Jud, who initially inspired her path to the sport and routinely joins her on the road, on his own two wheels!).

With nearly 70,000 Instagram followers (sarah__merrell), Sarah has cultivated an enthusiastic fan base as an authentic rider and motorsports aficionada.

In this episode, Sarah explains how she evolved from a timid rider always on the back of her husband's bike, to becoming an accomplished and noteworthy bike-owner and rider in her own right ... and how she carefully cultivates that following in a niche sport of dynamic brands at every turn.

Sarah shares her work and perspectives as a VP at Fletcher Marketing PR, where she integrates her personal experience and knowledge as an influencer and an accomplished woman in business into achieving campaign-traction for clients across the spectrum of strategic brand communications.

Show Notes

"I was a girly-girl," says Sarah Merrell -- VP of Fletcher Marketing PR -- of her initial trepidation about embracing motorcycling as a hobby, alongside her husband, Jud, an experienced rider.

She may have felt intimidation as a new rider at first, but Sarah Merrell now commands a social media following well into the tens of thousands.

How did she do it?... and how does she continue growing and managing her following base?

In this episode of Fletcher Marketing PR's #MsInterPReted podcast, Sarah speaks candidly about her journey of venturing far beyond her comfort zone to become a widely followed motorcycling enthusiast -- and one who is often pursued by brands within the industry for product recommendations and endorsements.


  • Follow Sarah Merrell on Instagram (sarah__merrell); 
  • Discover Fletcher Marketing PR:  
  • Follow Fletcher Marketing PR on Twitter: @FletcherPR 
  • Follow Kelly Fletcher on Twitter: @KDfletcher 
  • Follow Mary Beth West on Twitter: @marybethwest 

What is Ms. InterPReted?

Public Relations stands as one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted areas of business and organizational management. With Fletcher Marketing PR Founder and CEO Kelly Fletcher and Senior Strategist Mary Beth West, we’re here to turn around PR’s own bad PRess, cut through the nomenclature, and demystify public relations as the best pathway to create, grow and amplify the roots of positive management, communications, culture and careers -- for success that matters.