Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast

MEP EP#307: Sixth Annual MacroFab Star Wars Christmas Special - The Bad HunchLatest in Star Wars Media

What has released since last year's Star Wars podcast episode 255?

Star Wars Visions
Ending of Mandalorian Season 2
LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special
Bad Batch
Does Audible count?

Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy book 2 and 3 were this year
Star Wars: The High Republic

Upcoming releases you're excited for?

The Book of Boba Fett
Ahsoka when it finally comes out

Mostly because it should have a live action version of Thrawn


StarWars Visions Ep 5: The Ninth Jedi asteroid grabbing trebuchet engineering exercise

PDF of the document


The battle of exegol is dumb….

PDF of the document


Star Wars Visions episode 9: Akakiri


Lego Star Wars - Could you actually build…

The stupidest spreadsheet ever
TLDR: The only thing in LEGO SW Universe that could produce enough LEGO to build Death Star 1, is Death Star 1


Technology in Star Wars
What fictional technology do you think would make the most immediate impact on your life? How would you integrate it into your own work?

Anti-gravity, repulsors (floating stuff)

Vehicles are the obvious cool application

I worked in a foundry
The heat from the hot iron and the refractory sand constantly wore down the bearings in the conveyor system
If things could just float it would be amazing


How does anyone actually program these?
In The Mandalorian it seemed like it wasn’t a simple task to reprogram IG-11
Anakin “built” C3PO but did he really build it or assemble it?
In the series they say to “wipe the protocol droid’s memory” it seems like whatever the tech is it is easy to wipe memory but not easy to change programming


Outside of exploration and colonization would this really make an immediate difference in day to day life

Power Density

Show Notes

MEP EP#307: Sixth Annual MacroFab Star Wars Christmas Special - The Bad Hunch

Latest in Star Wars Media

  • What has released since last year's Star Wars podcast episode 255?
    • Star Wars Visions
    • Ending of Mandalorian Season 2
    • LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special
    • Bad Batch
    • Does Audible count?
      • Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy book 2 and 3 were this year
      • Star Wars: The High Republic
  • Upcoming releases you're excited for?
    • The Book of Boba Fett
    • Ahsoka when it finally comes out
      • Mostly because it should have a live action version of Thrawn


  • StarWars Visions Ep 5: The Ninth Jedi asteroid grabbing trebuchet engineering exercise



  • Star Wars Visions episode 9: Akakiri
    • Praise/Rant
  • Lego Star Wars - Could you actually build…


  • Technology in Star Wars
  • What fictional technology do you think would make the most immediate impact on your life? How would you integrate it into your own work?
    • Anti-gravity, repulsors (floating stuff)
      • Vehicles are the obvious cool application
      • Manufacturing?
        • I worked in a foundry
        • The heat from the hot iron and the refractory sand constantly wore down the bearings in the conveyor system
        • If things could just float it would be amazing
    • Droids
      • How does anyone actually program these?
      • In The Mandalorian it seemed like it wasn’t a simple task to reprogram IG-11
      • Anakin “built” C3PO but did he really build it or assemble it?
      • In the series they say to “wipe the protocol droid’s memory” it seems like whatever the tech is it is easy to wipe memory but not easy to change programming
    • Hyperspace
      • Outside of exploration and colonization would this really make an immediate difference in day to day life
    • Power Density

Creators & Guests

Parker Dillmann
A Founder @MacroFab.Builds Electronics, Cars, & Jeeps.
Stephen Kraig
Chris Martin

What is Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast?

Dive into the electrifying world of electrical engineering with Circuit Break, a MacroFab podcast hosted by Parker Dillmann and Stephen Kraig. This dynamic duo, armed with practical experience and a palpable passion for tech, explores the latest innovations, industry news, and practical challenges in the field. From DIY project hurdles to deep dives with industry experts, Parker and Stephen's real-world insights provide an engaging learning experience that bridges theory and practice for engineers at any stage of their career.

Whether you're a student eager to grasp what the job market seeks, or an engineer keen to stay ahead in the fast-paced tech world, Circuit Break is your go-to. The hosts, alongside a vibrant community of engineers, makers, and leaders, dissect product evolutions, demystify the journey of tech from lab to market, and reverse engineer the processes behind groundbreaking advancements. Their candid discussions not only enlighten but also inspire listeners to explore the limitless possibilities within electrical engineering.

Presented by MacroFab, a leader in electronics manufacturing services, Circuit Break connects listeners directly to the forefront of PCB design, assembly, and innovation. MacroFab's platform exemplifies the seamless integration of design and manufacturing, catering to a broad audience from hobbyists to professionals.

About the hosts: Parker, an expert in Embedded System Design and DSP, and Stephen, an aficionado of audio electronics and brewing tech, bring a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the show. Their backgrounds in engineering and hands-on projects make each episode a blend of expertise, enthusiasm, and practical advice.

Join the conversation and community at our online engineering forum, where we delve deeper into each episode's content, gather your feedback, and explore the topics you're curious about. Subscribe to Circuit Break on your favorite podcast platform and become part of our journey through the fascinating world of electrical engineering.