Let's Talk About Poop

This week Dr. Islam takes a deep dive into the most common cause for liver failure in the U.S., fatty liver disease (2:32). He examines the causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (4:29), how it's diagnosed (5:30), how it's treated (9:47), a new FDA approved breakthrough drug to help with fatty liver disease (14:20), and your questions on fatty liver disease. 

Also, he takes a looks at one of the most popular topics on his social channels: dealing with an itchy bottom (18:34), and tips to keep your entire family healthy (26:41).

Let's Talk About Poop!

What is Let's Talk About Poop?

Take a journey through the bowels of your GI tract with Dr. Sameer Islam! Based out of Lubbock, Texas and trained at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Islam provides insights and answers to the problems his patients see on a daily basis.