Fund Seminar's Podcast

Our guest on today’s podcast is Ryan Reardon SPDR ETF Strategist at State Street Global Advisors. Ryan discusses the importance of ESG and its connectivity to investments and ETF. He refers to impact vectors, how they impact things such as society, the labour market, and the environment. Ryan also illustrates the ways companies can integrate strategies for ESG into their common practice

What is Fund Seminar's Podcast?

De wekelijkse podcast van Fund Seminar over alles wat interessant is voor zelfstandige vermogensbeheerders, private bankers en financial planners. Met onderwerpen zoals actief, passief en factorbeleggen, ESG, fondsen versus aandelen/obligaties, wet- en regelgeving, wealth transfer, BigTechs en exotische beleggingen. Fund Seminar podcast informeert, inspireert en amuseert.