Commons Church Podcast

Commons Church Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 46 Season 9

Anthony Bloom - Yelena Pakhomova

Anthony Bloom - Yelena PakhomovaAnthony Bloom - Yelena Pakhomova

This one is about Anthony Bloom
The Christian tradition has always recognized certain individuals as playing an important role in its formation and development. These people are often singled out - their stories recorded - their contributions remembered. From Paul to Ignatius, and from Julian of Norwich to Teresa of Calcutta, we call them saints. Saints are often memorialized by the places they’re from, by the disciplines or fields they worked in, or by the times they lived. Their holiness directly tied to the ways they shaped people and communities and institutions. 
And one of the things we recognize here at Commons is that we rely on a chorus of saintly mystics, scholars, and innovators to inform who we are. People whose courage and wisdom shape us as a local, 21st-century expression of the Church. 
So join us as we name our patron saints. As we explore their stories. As we celebrate the ways they guide us 
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What is Commons Church Podcast?

Sermons from Commons Church. Intellectually honest. Spiritually passionate. Jesus at the centre. Since 2014.