Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle

The Christian Post has always been unequivocal about where we, as a publication, stand on the issue of gender ideology. We believe that it is not only fundamentally at odds with historic, biblically orthodox Christian faith, but that it has also unleashed some of the worst medical atrocities and human rights violations the world has ever seen. We believe that so-called “gender-affirming care” is horrific, unmitigated child abuse, and that lying about the material reality of sex endangers vulnerable populations such as incarcerated women, who are now forced to share prison quarters with violent males as a result of such trans-friendly policies. 

It is, as CP executive editor Richard Land has said numerous times, “the epitome of self-idolatry, the ultimate attempt to become one’s own god.”

And yet how should the church respond to those who are struggling? How do we address the nefarious, ideological push that is in nearly all of our cultural institutions, while also offering compassionate pastoral care for those suffering from gender confusion? How should churches approach these matters with uncompromised boldness, biblical wisdom, and the grace of Jesus Christ? 

Weighing in on these questions in the final episode of "Generation Indoctrination" are two theologians, a Christian counselor, and a man who works to equip the rising generation in a biblical worldview and is also the co-author (with “Generation Indoctrination” host Brandon Showalter) of the e-book “Exposing the Gender Lie: How To Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology.”

We will grapple with these issues and much more in the finale of season 3 of "Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle."

What is Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle?

The transgender craze is growing and metastasizing in America and worldwide. Confusion is abounding. And while Western cultures celebrate and elevate gender chaos, the societal and cultural costs are quickly mounting.

Join enterprising journalist Brandon Showalter of The Christian Post for a no-holds-barred exploration of the topic in “Generation Indoctrination,” a documentary-style podcast series aimed at exploring the roots and impact of the transgender debate.

In this five-part investigative podcast series, Showalter masterfully takes listeners through heartbreaking stories, expert opinions, and bewildered academics’ experiences as these individuals push back on the narratives being perpetuated and targeted at young hearts and minds.