Intermediate Spanish - Spanish Obsessed

¿Qué hace que una relación a largo plazo tenga éxito, y hasta qué punto podemos predecirlo de antemano? 
¿Existe un alma gemela para todo el mundo, o podemos decidir a quién queremos?

What is Intermediate Spanish - Spanish Obsessed?

Intermediate Spanish from Rob and Lis of Spanish Obsessed. Couple Lis and Rob (Colombian and English) have a range of natural, engaging conversations in slow Spanish. We talk slow enough so that you can understand everything, but that doesn’t stop our conversations from being 100% authentic! We cover a variety of topics, equipping you in the process with super cool Spanish phrases which are actually used, as well as nuggets of grammar, pronunciation, and culture. Listen to Lis' crystalline Colombian Spanish, but we also talk with speakers with a variety of different accents. We update weekly, so be sure to subscribe using the button on the left to stay up to date. Also, check out our world of Spanish material, articles, culture and general Spanish love at!