Discipling By Jesus

After TGR-S3E4, Ted and Ernie discuss what is the appropriate level of structure necessary to fulfilling our mission, and the expectations of our members.

Show Notes


S3E4 was an unusually challenging episode, as we seemed unable to  agree even on the appropriate terminology for what we were discussed.  Ernie shared how a big part of our "experiment in public discipleship" is trying to find a middle path between "top-down bible teaching" and "unstructured social club."  This arguably was a good example of having gone too far in the "unstructured" direction, and thus provides a great opportunity to clarify what we are about.

The most common request we have had is to move beyond talking to start working on something concrete.  Ted shared his lifelong passion for helping "everyday" people see themselves as what we now call "Strategic Indigenous Missionaries."  Ernie suggested we focus on "modeling relational practices for changing the world." 
There were many ideas for helping people turn their God-given passions into viable Kingdom businesses.  The challenge is coming up with something that both a) addressed why people came, even if they weren't 100% convinced yet, and b) could scale up to make a meaningful dent in the enormous scale of the crisis facing the body of Christ.

Any suggestions?

What is Discipling By Jesus?

The only real answer is Jesus.
The only real problem is Sin.
The only real work is the Cross.
In the end, we only have Him.

Discipling by Jesus (DBJ) is a group "co-devotional" practice for encountering the crucified Christ. By working through His Word & Spirit, Body & Blood we explore greater depths of the Father’s love as we surrender to the Holy Spirit.