The CMO Whisperer

My Guest this week is Jess Shirra, a fractional CMO and the founder of the Fractional CMO School. Her days are spent supporting her seven figure clients, helping them grow their membership and core businesses. Additionally, she mentors other marketers to help them launch and grow their own fractional CMO business.

With more than 15 years in the field, she's led marketing for both high growth startups, plus well known global brands such as Lululemon, Pottery Barn, Jenna Kutcher, Strava, and Deloitte to name just a few. Jess' philosophy is rooted in customer first marketing, which she believes makes marketing and sales effortless and cultivates fiercely loyal brand advocates.

What is The CMO Whisperer?

The CMO Whisperer, hosted by former Forbes writer Steve Olenski, is dedicated to those who keep it real in AND out of the world of marketing. From others in the C-suite to agency leaders to editors of publications to athletes to entertainsers and on and on, this show is for them and about them.