Talk Commerce

Welcome to Episode 100 of Talk Commerce!

Business owners and entrepreneurs are known for their energy. They focus on their ideas but frequently, that energy is sedentary. Brent interviewed Taren Gesell or better known as Triathlon Taren. Taren went from an Ironman and Youtube sensation to a tech startup with an exciting and disruptive app called MoTTIV. This virtual coaching app helps athletes focus on what they need to focus on while still giving them the flexibility to live their busy lives. Taren is through the beta version and is into his first round of funding. There is a lot to learn and much to unpack in their episode.

Show Notes

Taren is best known as "Triathlon Taren" online and he's the founder of MōTTIV. We help endurance athletes get to their start lines feeling confident and across their finish lines feeling strong. We run the second-largest triathlon Youtube channel in the world, the most highly ranked triathlon podcast in the world, and we publish some of the most highly rated triathlon training books through our Triathlon Foundations series, and we train thousands of athletes online through our disruptive MōTTIV endurance training app. 

Our goal for endurance athletes is to help get them to their start lines feeling like they know exactly how the day will unfold; we want them to feel confident in their athletic abilities and know exactly how to get themselves across the finish line of ANY endurance race feeling strong, without having to suffer physically, financially, or emotionally during the training. Fitness should be fun, and we want to make it easy for athletes to have a blast!

Creators & Guests

Susan Peterson

What is Talk Commerce?

If you are seeking new ways to increase your ROI on marketing with your commerce platform, or you may be an entrepreneur who wants to grow your team and be more efficient with your online business.

Talk Commerce with Brent W. Peterson draws stories from merchants, marketers, and entrepreneurs who share their experiences in the trenches to help you learn what works and what may not in your business.

Keep up with the current news on commerce platforms, marketing trends, and what is new in the entrepreneurial world. Episodes drop every Tuesday with the occasional bonus episodes.

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