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Holywell Trust Conversations
Episode 19
Season 2
Series 2 - Summary Session
Eighteen podcasts and Slugger blogs were produced in the second series of the Holywell Trust’s Forward Together programme. With the completion of that programme, the Holywell Trust held a discussion on the themes considered by the series, which focused on creating a better governed society, with more integration and improved outcomes.
The discussion was held as part of Good Relations Week 2020, bringing together the chief executive of the Pivotal think-tank, Ann Watt; Northern Ireland’s interim Mental Health Champion Siobhan O’Neill, who is also Professor of Mental Health Sciences at Ulster University, along with Paul Gosling, as the interviewer of the 18 experts, and Gerard Deane, chief executive of Holywell Trust.
The discussion considered the lessons that can be learnt regarding governance and accountability in Northern Irish society and how to improve public services, including education. The Forward Together programme has been funded by the Community Relations Council’s Media Grant Scheme. Past podcasts can be accessed on the Holywell Trust website. A book will be published in the coming weeks, bringing together the thoughts and ideas from the first series of Forward Together interviews.
Disclaimer: This project has received support from the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council which aims to promote a pluralist society characterised by equity, respect for diversity, and recognition of interdependence. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Community Relations Council.