Show Me Your Deck

Dean and Jack are immediately greeted  by the idea of balance between self and the universe, an intersection of the crown and the root that speaks to cathedrals reaching high above us, still grounded and yet aspiring to be with the ether above. And then the idea of stillness and celebration. A pause on the journey that is a place to reflect, to dance and sing, to be whole and focused purely on right now. All this while the sky above us sings to the heavens, prayers that rise up like smoke and fill the sky with dancing colors. But in all this above and below, there is a call to balance, to actively sink down so that we can rise up. From that balance the truth can be found as our eyes open to the light around us and the dawning of the morning, there is pure joy in seeing things as they truly are.

What is Show Me Your Deck?

A podcast with Dean Sage and Jack Kirven where they explore the intersection of oracle decks and chakras, using their original decks to create new insights. Dean's deck is a modern translation of the Tarot that removes gender-norms to reveal the deeper, non-gendered meaning of the cards. Jack's four decks play with the traditional chakra system, examining the way they intersect, rather than using them in isolation. The show allows inspiration to arise from the intersection of all decks using both intuition and chance. Dean pulls his cards as the Tarot reader does, while Jack relies on dice to see which cards his decks will offer up. The result is a reading and a reminder that uses the language of chakras and the diversity of the Tarot.