Company Interviews

Interview with Alex Langer, President & CEO of Sierra Madre Gold & Silver and Arturo Préstamo Elizondo, Executive Chairman & CEO of Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.

Recording date: 17th June 2024

The stars are aligning for a major bull market in silver, creating a compelling opportunity for investors to gain exposure to this vital metal. A perfect storm of surging industrial demand, chronic supply shortfalls, and strengthening prices is generating significant cash flows for silver producers, allowing them to optimize operations and potentially engage in value-enhancing M&A.

The most powerful force driving silver prices higher is the rapid growth of solar power. Photovoltaic panels are one of the most silver-intensive products in the world, and demand is expected to keep climbing as the shift to renewable energy accelerates. With around 25% of global silver production going to solar panels - and that silver not returning to market for decades - a major supply deficit is emerging.

In 2024 alone, demand is expected to outstrip supply by nearly 200 million ounces, marking the second highest level of demand in history. This is happening at a time when investors and traders are aggressively accumulating physical silver, further exacerbating the supply shortage. Taken together, these factors have the potential to push prices significantly higher in the months and years ahead.

For silver producers, this environment is extremely favorable. Miners are realizing higher prices for their output, with levels above $25 per ounce providing a major boost to cash flows. These resources are being put to good use, allowing companies to expand and optimize mines, improve efficiencies, and clean up their balance sheets. The stage is being set for margin expansion and greater financial resilience across the industry.

If silver prices continue rising as many expect, attention will likely turn to M&A as producers seek to consolidate their gains. Management teams with strong track records will be on the lookout for attractively valued assets that can contribute meaningful cash flows. Investors will want to focus on companies with proven leadership operating in stable jurisdictions like Mexico, where the political environment appears to be moderating.

The bottom line is that the fundamental drivers of the silver market are incredibly bullish. From the demand surge associated with solar energy to the lack of new mining supply to the strong flows of investment capital, all signs point to the potential for an historic bull market. Identifying producers with high-quality assets and seasoned management should be a top priority for investors seeking outsized returns.

While no investment is without risk, the fact that silver is integral to the clean energy transition suggests that demand growth will remain robust even in the face of economic headwinds. When evaluating silver miners, investors should focus on low-cost producers with strong balance sheets and organic growth potential. By doing so, they can position themselves to capture the upside while mitigating potential risks.

The opportunity in silver is not to be missed. As the supply/demand imbalance reaches a tipping point and investment flows accelerate, the conditions are ripe for a classic bull market. Investors who perform their due diligence and build exposure while prices remain attractive could be handsomely rewarded. All that glitters may not be gold - in the coming years, it just might be silver.

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