
👇 If you love near death experiences don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channels I work on

⭐ Today's afterlife experience is from Roland Walters. After years of emotional repression an irrational fear built up and built up to the point where Roland decided to see if hypnosis would help him overcome that fear. Amazingly enough, Roland discovered something that not only helped him understand his fear but also grew his understanding of many other facets of life and death. This discovery has been incredibly validating for him and the work that he does helping people. 

Check out more from Roland at his website 👉
Get in contact with Roland 👉

Roland's Summarized Story On Crossing Over NDE 👉

🎵BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through Epidemic Sound 
Disclaimer: This is an interview recorded by me. It is not taken from another channel and is all original content.

What is Ethereality?

Here we talk about all things metaphysical from an open minded, Spiritualist/Christian lens. I Interview people who have had near death experiences and we reflect on aspects of the mind, body, and spirit, psychology, science, religion, and more.