The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing

The Blackline Podcast has always been based on issues between sales and marketing. That line is blurring - alignment is always improving - but alignment isn’t always (and shouldn’t be) a happy peaceful place. So what is alignment, and can you have alignment without conflict? Let’s find out!

Show Notes

The Blackline Podcast has always been based on issues between sales and marketing. That line is blurring - alignment is always improving - but alignment isn’t always (and shouldn’t be) a happy peaceful place. So what is alignment, and can you have alignment without conflict? Let’s find out!

Each episode is broken up into three sections: Big News, The Question of the Episode, and Takeaways.
Big News: The blame game between sales and marketing
Question of the Episode: What one piece of advice would you give sales and marketing teams today to improve their attempts to be more aligned?
  • Mike - If you’re in sales, go spend some time with the marketing team. Tell them what you’re being asked and tell them what you need. If you’re in marketing, go and spend time with the sales team to hear the questions they’re being asked. 
  • Doug - Cross-discipline objectives and metrics. How often does each team have its own metrics that aren’t informative? There is no such thing as sales and marketing; they were created to manage organizations. They’re both responsible for revenue problems.

If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at

And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

What is The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing?

Think of this podcast as the sports radio for demand generation. In every episode you can expect to be taken on a journey by Imagine's CEO, Doug Davidoff and Seventh Sense's Founder, Mike Donelly as they discuss, disagree, and form their opinions and ideas on specific sales, marketing, and business topics.