SELAH Commonwealth

One of our core values is "Called & Capable". We believe that every person is uniquely called and equipped by God to discern and step into that calling. Therefore, the question every disciple of Jesus must be able to answer is: To what or to whom have a been called? One of the first steps to discerning your calling is to define and understand your context.

Our All-Family Gatherings begin with a short training on microchurches and missional living followed by table discussions. During this training, we hear from Mike and Brianna who are serving international students at UT.

What is SELAH Commonwealth?

Selah is a collection of trainings, teachings, stories, and reflections from our community. Commonwealth is a community of missionaries and microchurches in Knoxville, TN, who exist to be with Jesus, be like Jesus, and do the things that Jesus did.