Compare buying 25% down payment investment properties as rentals where you either rent a property to live in or buy a 5% down owner-occupant property first.
You're a real estate investor looking to acquire properties by saving up and putting 25% down. Should you buy an owner-occupied property first? What if that's more expensive than renting? Should you still do it? What if it means you'll be saving less for acquiring rentals by buying an owner-occupied property first?
In this comparison class, we will put buying 25% down rentals in a head-to-head competition... We will analyze 304 real estate markets and see if you can achieve financial independence faster by buying an owner-occupied property first. We'll also look at your net worth and see if buying an owner-occupied property or renting leads to a higher overall net worth.
Check out the video and interactive charts from this class here:
Or, see Flint specific, detailed analysis of a variety of strategies here:
Learn all about investing in real estate in Flint, Michigan with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Flint plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Flint).