Solo de Facto

Amber Gray, Founder and CEO of Trusty Oak Virtual Assistant Services, knew she had a lot of talent that wasn’t being used right after being a pharmacy technician for 11 years. She was able to realize her passion managing her friend's website. Amber joins host Kory Underdown to discuss how you can manage your expectations running a solo firm and how to properly delegate to make things run smoothly. 
The solo entrepreneur attorney should spend more time focusing on creating a system for delegation and communication.
There are 5 different levels of delegation and each one has it’s values for different ways of management.
It’s important to sort tasks by importance. It’s also a good practice not to use a group chat to assign tasks to employees as it could easily be lost. 
Make sure that everyone is on the same page. When co-workers aren’t on the same page, it creates issues and some tasks might not get done. 
Establish the outcome that you want when you are collaborating and delegating. 
If Amber could go back and give advice to her younger self, she would say the advice is to know your purpose in life and follow it, achieve your dreams and goals.
Quote of the show:
30:40 “If I'm focusing on doing what I was created to do, what I believe I'm here for, then everything else gets easier and I can actually live out my true personal purpose through my business. And so, really keeping that, I have to remind myself of that purpose a lot, especially when things get challenging, I have to look back and say, why am I doing this to begin with?
Because the why is what keeps me going and just remembering. Really, and for me, what that is, helping other people have purpose fulfilled lives.”
5 Levels of Delegation:

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Show Notes

Amber Gray, Founder and CEO of Trusty Oak Virtual Assistant Services, knew she had a lot of talent that wasn’t being used right after being a pharmacy technician for 11 years. She was able to realize her passion managing her friend's website. Amber joins host Kory Underdown to discuss how you can manage your expectations running a solo firm and how to properly delegate to make things run smoothly. 




  • The solo entrepreneur attorney should spend more time focusing on creating a system for delegation and communication.
  • There are 5 different levels of delegation and each one has it’s values for different ways of management.
  • It’s important to sort tasks by importance. It’s also a good practice not to use a group chat to assign tasks to employees as it could easily be lost. 
  • Make sure that everyone is on the same page. When co-workers aren’t on the same page, it creates issues and some tasks might not get done. 
  • Establish the outcome that you want when you are collaborating and delegating. 
  • If Amber could go back and give advice to her younger self, she would say the advice is to know your purpose in life and follow it, achieve your dreams and goals.



Quote of the show:


30:40 “If I'm focusing on doing what I was created to do, what I believe I'm here for, then everything else gets easier and I can actually live out my true personal purpose through my business. And so, really keeping that, I have to remind myself of that purpose a lot, especially when things get challenging, I have to look back and say, why am I doing this to begin with?

Because the why is what keeps me going and just remembering. Really, and for me, what that is, helping other people have purpose fulfilled lives.”


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What is Solo de Facto?

Solo de Facto, hosted by Kory Underdown, dives deep into the business of running a surThriving solo practice. We are on the hunt for those game-changing nuggets of wisdom that you can take and implement into your own practice to take your firm to the next level.