Coffee With Cole: The Digital Writing Podcast

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How To Outline A 60,000 Word Book In 24 Minutes

In today’s Coffee with Cole, I outline a simple yet powerful method for structuring a 60,000-word book in just 24 minutes. I walk you through the "Four A" approach—Actionable, Analytical, Aspirational, and Anthropological—along with the "10 Magical Ways to Expand Anything" framework, and ultimately how to combine both to create a simple yet effective structure for writing your book. By the end, you'll have a clear path to outlining your book and writing projects with ease, boosting your productivity and writing clarity.

(00:00)  Intro
(00:38)  “What type of book am I trying to write?”
(01:15)  “Which of these paths am I going to take in my book?”
(03:09)  “How do I want to structure this book?”
(04:53)  How To Outline Your Book
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🤖 Need some help learning how to leverage AI as a writer? Check out our favorite ChatGPT prompts for writers:

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🧙‍♂️Are you a fiction writer? Here's a crash course on how to turn timeless storytelling frameworks into game-changing ChatGPT prompts:

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What is Coffee With Cole: The Digital Writing Podcast?

Weekly deep dives into the Art & Business of Digital Writing, Ghostwriting, & Self-Publishing