Humans of Agriculture

Please welcome to the pod... Tom Rookyard and Mick Corcoran!

We're getting these two larrikins behind the mic not only because of their careers in ag, but because of our blossoming partnership - Tom and Mick are coming on board to deliver a monthly market update on our In The Know On The Go podcast. And we couldn't be more excited for you to get to know them.

In this ep you'll hear all about:
- Their respective injuries
- The different childhoods Tom and Mick had around ag
- Their early careers and how AuctionsPlus brought them together
- The role of Conor McGregor in Mick's career
- What breed of bull or ram would they be?
- Two Truths and a Lie
- Market Update

Hopefully you enjoy this chat and these blokes, you'll be hearing more from them very soon!

Podcast Sponsor Rabobank
Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 90 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa.
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What is Humans of Agriculture?

Welcome to Humans of Agriculture. This podcast series is dedicated to discovering more about our food system, from the people involved in it.

Along the journey we'll be meeting people from all walks of life from Australia and from afar. Join us as we find out how our communities and our culture shape what we eat, and ultimately who we are.
​More people, More often, Identifying with Agriculture