Reykjavík Tonight

Chaos is at the wheel as Dettifoss makes his triumphant, wine-soaked return to the airwaves. The gang gets caught up on his recent doings before diving deep into the morass of Eurovision 2020. It's cancelled this year, but apparently they're running some bullshit bootleg version online, so strap in. The beat goes on. And on and on and on... Featuring Dettifoss Bergmann, Shrishma Naik, Katherine Sherlock, and Justin Zeppa.

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Show Notes

Chaos is at the wheel as Dettifoss makes his triumphant, wine-soaked return to the airwaves. The gang gets caught up on his recent doings before diving deep into the morass of Eurovision 2020. It's cancelled this year, but apparently they're running some bullshit bootleg version online, so strap in. The beat goes on. And on and on and on... Featuring Dettifoss Bergmann, Shrishma Naik, Katherine Sherlock, and Justin Zeppa.

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Instagram: @thesauropod 

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What is Reykjavík Tonight?

Iceland is an island of volcanoes, sheep, and evil junior hockey teams. Find out what the hell goes on there, courtesy of genuine all-American, Justin Zeppa, and genuine all-Icelander, Dettifoss Bergmann. It's a cultural exchange that is always just a heartbeat away from sparking an international incident.