Inside The Sound of Fear

A Roman Noble and his Greek slave go to Thebes to search for an ancient artifact. Josh and Victor discuss the Vocal Memnon at Thebes, and the fantasy/adventure stories of Robert E. Howard.

Show Notes

Music by: Penka Kouneva, Intro dialogue by: Daryl Ellis

What is Inside The Sound of Fear?

A book on tape with a bit of an adventure. The Sound of Fear is a themed collection of speculative horror stories with sci-fi, fantasy and noir elements by one of the most talented new writers of dark fiction, Victor H. Rodriguez. It plunges the reader into lean, mean page-turners with twist endings that pit the living against the soundscapes of the beyond. Each episode Victor reads a story from his anthology, following up show creator and host Josh Ellis interviews Victor, discussing the inspiration and process behind each story. Often the interviews go beyond the stories told in Victor's book and dive deep into their friendship, the entertainment industry, music, film and tequila.