Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata

On this episode of Attributed you will discover the secrets to startup success as we delve into the art of building predictable and repeatable revenue. We are sitting down with Lars Johan Bjørkevoll Founder and CEO at Scaleupxq who will share his experience of executing outbound sales strategies for over 130 growth companies and counting, and cover essential topics:

- Choosing Outbound Sales for Hypothesis Validation
- Crafting an Effective End-to-End Outbound Sales Strategy
- Optimizing Your Sales Workflow for Efficiency
- Validating Critical Points: Ideal Customer Profiles, Channels, Messaging, Data
- Tracking KPIs: When, Why, and How
- Achieving Repeatability, Scalability, and Thriving Growth

Follow Lars Johan Bjørkevoll on LinkedIn:
Follow Steffen Hedebrandt on LinkedIn:

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What is Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata?

Welcome to the Attributed Podcast by Dreamdata where every week we host inspiring guests from across the B2B go-to-market space. Together we explore the biggest challenges facing Marketing, Sales, and Ops teams and discuss innovative ways to optimise growth and fire up revenue.