Human-Centered Security

When thinking about building products for security teams, we often emphasize the technical side: reduced false positives, new detection techniques, and automation. But what about asking things like: how do security teams work together? What excites a security analyst about their job? How can we help them do more of that? What does the experience look like across a suite of cybersecurity products? To improve the user experience for security teams—and improve security outcomes—you have to think holistically.

In this episode, we talk about:
  • How a centralized UX research team fosters meta-analysis across different personas, workflows, and a suite of products.
  • Why in-person research—like visiting a security operations center (SOC)—is so important for UX researchers building security products.
  • Creative ways of engaging with customers and learning from them.
  • Why her UX research team has taken ownership over UX metrics and analytics.
  • Why asking stakeholders a simple question: “What kind of evidence are you looking for?” can save you a lot of time and frustration.
Lindsey Wallace is the Director of Design Research and Strategy at Cisco Security Design. She has a PhD in Anthropology and previously worked at Adobe. 

What is Human-Centered Security?

Cybersecurity is complex. Its user experience doesn’t have to be. Heidi Trost interviews information security experts about how we can make it easier for people—and their organizations—to stay secure.