In AI We Trust?

Dr. Richard Benjamins is Chief AI & Data Strategist at Telefonica, author of The myth of the algorithm and A Data-Driven Company, and co-founder of OdiseIA. In this week’s episode, Richard offers his roadmap for trustworthy AI, including his company's “aspirational” approach to AI governance, their use of an ethics committee, how they use the bottom line to reinforce their goals and other best practices in designing responsible AI use.

Show Notes

Dr. Richard Benjamins is Chief AI & Data Strategist at Telefonica, author of The myth of the algorithm and A Data-Driven Company, and co-founder of OdiseIA. In this week’s episode, Richard offers his roadmap for trustworthy AI, including his company's “aspirational” approach to AI governance, their use of an ethics committee, how they use the bottom line to reinforce their goals and other best practices in designing responsible AI use.

What is In AI We Trust??

In AI We Trust? is a podcast with Miriam Vogel of EqualAI and Kay Firth-Butterfield of the Centre for Trustworthy Technology that surveys the global landscape for inspiration and lessons in developing responsible, trustworthy artificial intelligence. Each episode aims to answer a ‘big question' in ethical AI with prominent lawmakers, leading thinkers, and internationally renowned authors.