Parade Deck Friday Playlist

Imagine you are a 15-year-old woman. As you are starting your self-discovery you are diagnosed with Lupus, a chronic, autoimmune disease that can be treated but not cured. Your carefree teenage life just changed. Now what? What limitations will I face? What career choices will be eliminated? How will I have a full and healthy life?

April Chavez decided she would not allow Lupus to control her life, career, or health. April Chavez observed how thoughts, feelings, patterns of events and emotions associated with disease flare-ups profoundly impact health.

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What is Parade Deck Friday Playlist?

Every Friday, tune in to the Parade Deck Friday Playlist, a curated selection of episodes from the Parade Deck Military Podcast Network. This playlist is more than just a collection of stories; it's a rhythmic march through the experiences and insights of those who've served. Each week, we feature a diverse lineup of podcasts that encapsulate the spirit, challenges, and camaraderie of military life.