The Faith Filled Entrepreneur

Does it ever feel like life throws you one challenge after another. It can be so hard to walk in faith during those times. Jill Corey Miller, found of Teacher Be Still  and Jill Corey Miller Marketing, is a source of wisdom and inspiration as she has walked through some of the toughest challenges in life, a primary one being the 20 year marriage to her beloved husband, John. John is actively working on his recovery through alcoholism, and they use this testimony to spread hope and healing to others.

Teacher Be Still was founded by Jill while she was still teaching, knowing how desperately teachers need to be reminded of God's faithfulness and strength.

You will leave this interview feeling challenged and inspired to "fortify" your faith as you take on the challenges of life.

You can find more information about Jill Corey Miller here!
Teacher Be Still Podcast
Jill and John Podcast
Facebook and IG @jillcoreymiller

What is The Faith Filled Entrepreneur?

If you are a business owner and you love Jesus, you've come to the right place! Are you needing business strategies to grow your business? Are you wanting to lean on your faith in the process? Are you wanting to build confidence in taking next steps? You will get all of that and more in this podcast!