The BivBros Show

Episode Two of the topical BivBros Show, the Podcast! Evan had a stomach bug this week and spent his time wisely, by starting the iconic mid-2000s "Neo-Nancy Drew Noir", Veronica Mars. Also: does anyone else remember Shobiz Pizza?

Show Notes

Originally posted 9-27-2019.

Evan had a stomach flu this week, which allowed him to take a break from eating his usual enormous amounts of science food, and might cut meat out again for a while…it's a new new beginning. Ever efficient, he spent the forced couch time watching the first season of Veronica Mars, loved it, and is both interested and terrified at the possible Buffy/Veronica fan fic out there on the internet. It is decided that Kristen Bell is America's True Sweetheart.

Kristen Stewart, however great in her own way, is not. Rob Thomas, the creator of Veronica Mars, is also not the lead singer of Matchbox 20, though we wish he was.

Matt made it through Netflix's french horror series Marianne, found it very uneven but with moments of true terror.

Turns out that Matt and Evan have a very un-useful psychic ability to innately sense all of Michael Landon's children.

Titans Episode 2 is better…but we're still not convinced yet. To make up for it, Evan suggests a number of DC Comics to start with, if you're kind of wondering where to start. Definitely go by the writer.

Matt is going to hear George R. R. Martin speak in Chicago soon. He really thinks that George R. R. Martin's writing is "clear as a bell". He mentions it three times. His writing really is clear as a bell, though.

Does anyone remember Shobiz Pizza? Was that just a Southern thing? The Brothers imagine a haunted house that is set in a decrepit old  pizza joint that features animatronic creatures. Like "Five Nights at Freddie's" but IRL.

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What is The BivBros Show?

Evan and Matt Bivins live in two different cities. They develop websites and software, play rock and roll, and talk about movies, TV, books, comics and music.