Moonshots Podcast: Superstar mindsets and success habits

Mark Manson says most of us struggle throughout our lives by giving too many f’s in situations where f’s do not deserve to be given. Finding something important and meaningful in your life is the most productive use of your time and energy.

This is true because every life has problems associated with it and finding meaning in your life will help you sustain the effort needed to overcome the particular problems you face. In his book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, we can say that the key to living a good life is not giving a f’s about more things, but rather, giving a f- only about the things that align with your personal values.

Show Notes

Mark Manson says most of us struggle throughout our lives by giving too many f’s in situations where f’s do not deserve to be given. Finding something important and meaningful in your life is the most productive use of your time and energy. 

This is true because every life has problems associated with it and finding meaning in your life will help you sustain the effort needed to overcome the particular problems you face.  In his book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, we can say that the key to living a good life is not giving a f’s about more things, but rather, giving a f- only about the things that align with your personal values. 

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What is Moonshots Podcast: Superstar mindsets and success habits ?

The Moonshots Podcast goes behind the scenes of the world's greatest superstars, thinkers and entrepreneurs to discover the secrets to their success. We deconstruct their success from mindset to daily habits so that we can apply it to our lives. Join us as we 'learn out loud' from Elon Musk, Brene Brown to emerging talents like David Goggins.