Wild User Interviews Podcast (Wuipod)

Mike Purvis is an engineer, builders, and awesome human being. Early NEAR Core, co-founder at Croncats, and current contributor to Cosmos.

Some of the topics we cover on this wide ranging conversation with Mike:
  • Origins Story - Mike joining NEAR early days (2020) - working alongside founding team, hustle beast mode on.
  • Serendipity - magic happens when people are bored together. Importance of IRL event - we are getting a castle in Burgundy!
  • Founder’s Journey - difference between being a salaried employee and a founder.
  • Product Market Fit v Value Creation at an early stage ecosystem. 
  • Importance of User Experience - deconstructing what needs to be true for mass adoption to occur. 
  • Market Trends - group think, follow the leader: everyone giving out grants, rise of the multi-chain raidooors (Scammers). Now everyone is too tight with grants - how can we support the builders?!
  • Extinction events - setting a deadline for differentiation. 
  • Community and culture - in search for a tribe. Soft skills that matter.
  • Origins Story of Croncats!
  • Automation and Long Running Smart Contracts 
  • AVB shills a few product ideas as bait - #getMikeBack 
  • Governance - decentralising tech v decentralising human structures. The return of the benevolent king?!

Follow on Socials -

Mike - https://twitter.com/mikedotexe
Croncats - https://twitter.com/croncats

AVB - https://twitter.com/AvbNear
Wuipod - https://twitter.com/wuipod

What is Wild User Interviews Podcast (Wuipod)?

People, Product and Crypto.

Wild User Interviews is about open-sourcing open-ended conversations with the creative forces shaping up the decentralised world. In the wild, our guests range from Product Designers to Blockchain Architects, and include topics such as Philosophy and Proof-of-Stake. The common thread being our focus on the human side as he try to deconstruct the frameworks and processes to enable listeners to become the better version of themselves while venturing into the Metaverse.