Focus and Chill - productivity tactics for AuDHDers and other neurodivergent folks

Welcome to episode #47 We’re thrilled to be joined by Dr. Siobhan Lamb today.

Dr Lamb has worn many hats during her life. Neurodivergent herself, with a neurodiverse family, she spent twenty years as a teacher in STEM and Diverse Learning and is now principal of Embrace Difference, a business supporting neurodivergent children in the education system, including the provision of professional development in educational settings and advocacy services. Dr. Lamb is all the Head of Neurodiversity at a mainstream school in Sydney.

Welcome to the show Siobhan!

  1. Can you tell us about your experience with neurodiversity? When did you realize that you weren’t neurotypical? What challenges did you face? What is it like now?
    1. Diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, and selective mutism at age 7
    2. Was well supported and was able to thrive
    3. Parents encouraged her to be herself at home but also explained societal expectations to help her around others
  2. What "work" projects are you concentrating on?
    1. Embrace Difference: advocacy for children kindergarten to year ⅘
      1. Helps kids who get suspended due to dysregulation
      2. Works with teachers + parents to identify patterns in behavior that precede a meltdown so that it can be addressed proactively (e.g. go for a walk outside/go to a quiet space)
    2. Head of neurodiversity at mainstream school
      1. Works with ND students at her school in a similar way to plan how to make the environment suitable
      2. The goal is for ND students to be able to say “I feel like I belong here”
      3. Runs workshops on executive functioning and organizational skills
  3. How about the rest of the time? What do you enjoy doing in your off time?
    1. Loves board games (could start a shop!)
      1. Azul, Patchwork, Dungeon Mayhem, Everdell (longer), Kindomino (good for young kids), a little wordy, splendor, sequence
      2. Bias towards short (sub 20 minute) games due to time constraints
    2. Walks, movies
  4. What does your morning routine look like and how has it evolved over time?
    1. Organise lunch etc. the night before
    2. Shower to wake body up
    3. Meds
    4. Use clocks to remind you when to make a habit
    5. Some clients use the box of habits (e.g. put a toothbrush in the box and transfer it to another box when you’re done)
  5. What do you do to optimize productivity during your working hours?
    1. Go with the flow - on days that she’s on, smash the admin. On other days, she works with children as it gives her energy
    2. Try to maximize chances of being on by:
      1. Getting plenty of sleep
      2. Going for a long walk before starting work
      3. Avoiding emotional conversations
  7. What is one habit you'd like to remove from your life (either a bad habit or one that takes up too much time)?
    1. Losing items. Solution: big notebooks that are easier to see. Use dropzones.
  8. How do you switch off at night?
    1. Walk and shower
    2. Keep a notepad next to bed and write thoughts down to combat rumination
  9. What resources (books, philosophies, apps, sensory toys) do you find most helpful for productivity and habit formation?
    1. “Power of Habit” by Charles du Higg
    2. Bouncy balls
    3. Visualisation and verbalisation course
    4. Upward diary/planner
  10. Where can people connect with you or find your work?
  11. Do you have any final words or asks for our audience?
    1. Make as much of your life habitual so you can spare your working memory for creativity.
    2. Use visualisation techniques to boost the capacity of working memory

Joey’s creativity course

What is Focus and Chill - productivity tactics for AuDHDers and other neurodivergent folks ?

Welcome to the Focus and Chill podcast where we discuss productivity tactics that work for AuDHDers and other neurospicy people.

Every episode we interview guests with lived experience of neurodivergence who also have a solid productivity and habit game and pass the learnings on to you, our wise and benevolent audience.

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